Clarence Wijewardena
Lyricist: Clarance Wijewardena Musician: Clarance Wijewardena
F / 114 / Fl

දිනෙක මේ නදී තීරේ - E (Orig Key: F)

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Intro / Inter

|E |- |- |A |

|E |B |- |E |

|E |- |E7 |A |

|E |B |- |E |


|E | | |B

dhinEke mee nadhii thiiree dhEnEthe hamu wElaa

|A |E |B |E

pipuNu ee sinaa dhzzsee kaNdhuLu boNdhe wElaa


|E | | |A

sihine maawethee paa kere pzthum biNdhe hElaa

| |B |B7 |E

sitheke weedhenaa dhii thawe sithak hinzhilaa


|E | | |A

obete maa Epaa wii yane namudhu wEn wElaa

| |B |B7 |E

noyayi maa pzthuu ee ruwe sithin giLihilaa


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